Minggu, 14 Januari 2018

Bali Petro Jaya Melayani Penjualan Gas LPG 50 Kg dan LPG 12 Kg untuk Hotel, Villa, Restaurant, Residential di Pulau Bali.
Kami berkomitmen untuk selalu memberikan pelayanan dan kualitas terbaik kepada pelanggan/customer kami.
- Berat isi LPG dijamin Full sesuai dengan standar - Tabung LPG menggunakan segel pengaman (wrap) - Garansi apabila ada kebocoran/kerusakan pada tabung gas LPG - Tabung Gas telah diuji dengan intensif untuk menjamin kualitas gas dan keamanan tabung - Layanan antar/pengiriman setiap hari


  • LPG 50 KG

In the business of catering industry, restaurant or hotel, food court, quality and speed preparing food is the main requirement. For that, it needs a practical, fast and large amount of fuel. LPG 50 kg is the answer. LPG is packed in a steel tube with a weight of LPG 50 Kg, you do not need to frequently replace and buy refillnya. You can also cook and use it freely without fear of having to buy a refill every day.

Also on the business of Welding Workshop, also workshop and other industries that require gas for its work. Facilitate the work system, without often replacing and buying his refill.

  • LPG 12 KG

LPG 12 Kg is the right choice for cooking in your home. Compared to other fuels, LPG is a gas that is packaged in liquid form, has a high heat value, the size of the fire is easy to set. In addition, another advantage of LPG is a clean fuel, in the sense of not causing soot / black cooking equipment or kitchen walls, and also does not cause odors in your cooking. In addition to cooking, LPG 12 Kg can also be used for water heater.

Ordering via phone Call / SMS /WA
Call us on : Bali Petro Jaya Telp. 085100171338 / 08123872646 / 085100631046 E-mail : bpj.balipetrojaya@yahoo.co.id


Rabu, 18 November 2009

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